Tuesday, June 12, 2012

7. The voucher

    Because we missed our connecting flight to Thailand we had to spend the night in Narita Tokyo. On the planes intercom  they mentioned that because they made us miss the flight they would give us free vouchers to stay at the Hotels. ( I didn't know this didn't apply to standby ppl, we got treated like the plague). I was determined to get those free vouchers. After, waiting an hour for all 5 of our luggages and then passing customs, we came to the exit of the airport. I quickly walked up to a guy giving the FREE HOTEL VOUCHERS. I Grab them quickly and pass one to Jonny. Jonny now asks the lady ( slow persons voice) " UH.. Where do we go?" She looks at the voucher and then looks at our bags and takes the FREE VOUCHER out of our hands.  She saw our standby tags and said, " You no voucher, Hotel don't get paid."  We worked some rates out.


  1. Awww man, now i'm sorry I got your hopes up with my free voucher story lol. Live and learn.

  2. "a time to speak and a time to keep quiet" lol , that was definitely a time to keep quiet......everything that could possibly go wrong huh...
