Wednesday, June 13, 2012

12. What iPhone. *Must read

 Feel my pain everyone. You all will!!!! Some of you have Iphones, Droids (thumbs down), maybe a flip phone, who knows. But the point is we are all attached to our phones. Cant live without it!! The drive from the airport to Ikebukoro  was about 1 ½ so driving for that long Jonny and I both knocked out on the bus. We wake up at one point but it wasn’t our stop. 45 minutes later bus stopped and people are jumping out of the bus. I look outside and notice that we are at our destination. We quickly jump out, grab our bags, walk inside the building to meet Vlad. 5 minutes later.........“ Where is my phone?” Yes, I lost my phone everyone. Do you feel my pain? Whatever method you want to ask me on how to get my phone back I’ve thought of and already tried. Supposedly the Japanese are honest here so most likely I may find my phone today. Hopefully!