Friday, June 22, 2012

30. Teach Me English, I teach you Thai

I went to Pioneer Couples house and when i got there, this is what i saw. An Arabic Brother teaching English to  Thai studies and brothers. They bartered their language for the english language, and it works out very well. Classes are on Wednesday ( i think) and Saturdays. Jonny and I will be attending these classes to get a bit more familiar with how to read and understand Thai. What was interesting about this whole walk through experience was how in many year books we read how brothers have to adapt and learn languages and how it is difficult and may be challenging, but the blessings are numerous? Well, I actually witnessed a yearbook experience. It was very cool just watching what i read come to life.

 The Thai language is not the prettiest but it isn't hard to remember and use because it is very tonal. The magazine pictures used such as the watchtower and awake are exactly the same in the states or canada, no different . The people here however are obsessed with white skin. They even put some sort of talcum or baby powder on their faces to look white. One idea for them doing this was to absorb the moisture from their face  and another was because they want to look white. In general, the people are nice people and always smiling at us.  We've made Thai friends everywhere. 

Class In session

Levi Teaching English

1 comment:

  1. Teaching English in Thailand. TEFL jobs in Thailand.Teach, travel, live and work in Thailand.

    Teach English
