Wednesday, June 13, 2012

14. Vlads Place

Pretty Cool Spot in Japan. The Building are exactly what you see in Chinese/Japanese films. Inside his place feels or looks like Mister Meyagis house from Karate Kid. Today Vlads neighbor will take us around Tokyo and we will attempt again to get on plane to Thailand. We want to get there so badly now. Our spirits are running low but our zeal is still in function. Can’t wait to start the important part of this whole experience.

3rd Floor of the apartment




  1. Hang in there you guys. There is a blessing waiting for you. You are doing this for Jehovah and he will certainly give you the strength to endure the bumps along the way. He is "the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation." 2 Cor 1:3,4..You are going to comfort those in Thailand with his word, no doubt he will comfort you and lift up your spirits for this journey to where there is a greater need. Jehovah will not forget your efforts. :)

  2. you guys made the best out of a situation that was totally out of your hands. What doesnt kill you makes you stronger (and smarter/wiser). I wish i could be there to experience this with you guys. In the end, these experiences will just make your trip more colorful and uplifting. Keep trusting in Jehovah and everything will work out perfectly.

  3. tonight i just had my meeting and we went over the 12 point/reasons why we preach and you two are prime examples of why we do so. I know right now you two are going through some hurdles but jehovah sees all of your efforts and he will bless you for it because he knows your efforts are contributions towards the santification of his name, just keep having faith and you will see what he has in store for the both of you. Always remember to continue without letup teaching and declaring the good new (Acts 5:42)

    1. Thanks. No letting up here. These bumps are like driving in the car when you really have to use the bathroom. LOL. We are trusting that everything goes well.

  4. So much drama and suspense, this is better than tv lol...... Remember that before Paul, Silas and Timothy were permitted into Macedonia, their two previous attempts were blocked before Jehovah opened the way. The door will be opened soon enough homies, I hope you find your phone in the mean time

    1. Thank You all for being on this trip with us. A little rough but insure we will make it there for sure.

  5. BTW the "Fast Food" in Japan looks like "5 star" cuisine by America's standards...I would be eating as much authentic Japanese food as possible.

  6. Don't lose hope guys it will be ok !:))

  7. Good thing yall like sushi Id be hit if I went out there!! lol but hey May Jehovah be with you guys, the stories are great, the adventure reminds me of my life sometimes lol ps: Mayo its in your bag!!! dont eat it!! lol jk Sorry you lost your phone were all praying for your guys and keep uploading more pics!!cant wait for the next update.
    Eva Da Don Diva

  8. Love you guys!!! Thanks for sharing your adventures; no doubt the all powerful God we serve will guide your way!!!
