Wednesday, June 20, 2012

29.Rural Territory

Service schedule again is Tuesday-Saturday. Tuesday-Friday we search for English speakers and on Saturdays we go with the Thai group. Regardless you still need to know some Thai. For example, When you go to a door searching for foreigners you say. Ti- KNEE-MI-COON- TAN- CHAAAT, YOU-MY-KAP. Its long but once you say it a couple of times and get better at it, it’s a breeze.

 So as always we meet with the group and head off into the territory. Today, however was not a normal territory. First of all, we had to Scoot 25 minutes in the heat on a pleather/plastic scooter, not to mention winding roads, and random cars passing rapidly by us. (The whole drive made me appreciate the safety you feel when driving a car. Your protected from sun, rain, and sometimes crazy drivers) Second, this was untouched territory which made it exciting. The goal or name of this service day was called A CENSUS, we weren’t looking to speak to the Thai people, but we were looking to see if any foreigners were in the area. After a couple dog chases, bike slips, shoe rips, swastika misconceptions, we finally found a foreigner deep in the back of this territory, very exciting. (By the way, I learned after my nerve recking experience , that a swastika to the Thai means Good Luck.).The key to speaking with foreigners is cordiality (I made that word up), you just have to be real cordial and then introduce your news. He responded well, listened to the scripture being shared, and took the magazines.The people here are really nice, and service was just awesome today. Tomorrow we will be more local but the excitement is still there.

Funny: I’m always made fun off because I have a big head. One of my roommates said he wanted to change helmets. I said ok. I gave him mine and he says in his country accent “ WHOOOAAA, who was in this thing, Andre the Giant.” Jonny of course couldn’t stop laughing.
Meeting with the group

All set and ready to ride for 25 min

Right Turn, LEft turn and I'm lost

Jonny starts his new Thai presentation

Rock of Gibralter. LOL

My field service presentation. Sounds Funny. LOL


  1. Hey, Now you have a return visit.:) Nice.. You guys will be speaking Thai like a pro soon. Good try.

    BTW... This helps me to appreciate how we travel in the ministry - protected from the different elements. Very encouraging!

  2. Love it guys! Keep the excitement for the ministry!!
