Sunday, June 17, 2012

25. Funny... at least to me

So apparently all my emails I was emailing to the brother in Thailand was being shared with the friends of the hall. In one of the emails. I stated that i would like some safety questions for the person picking me up from the airport. Quickly i thought of 2.
1. What is my favorite animal?
2. And according acts 16:9 what am i stepping into?
 The answer to #1 if you all don't know is a Giraffe. 
 So, while sitting eating dinner. The Wife of the brother i was sending emails to started talking about monkeys and then abruptly starts laughing heavily while looking at me. Now I'm confused, i thought i had a bugger, maybe some food in my eye, i don't know something must have been that funny for her to be laughing that hard. Then she asks in her Sweden accent, " So, Gabriel. What is your favorite animal?" Not knowing what she was laughing about. " I said a Giraffe, because..." Not even able to finish 6 people start laughing. Hands over mouth, slapping table, everyone is laughing. After stating that it was a smart idea, she then says " A, Giraffe? I couldn't imagine a Thai person trying to say that word. When Davide was emailing and responding to your emails and read that he woke me up from my deep sleep, read it to me, and we laughed all night. Thank you for making our night. We get some funny questions and requests all the time but that is officially on the top of our list."

 Literally, for about 30 seconds i felt some sort of way about people knowing about my emails. But, the brother commented " We have been waiting for you. And everyone constantly asks about your arrival, so we share what we know. I felt better after that .lol