Tuesday, June 26, 2012

37. Houston..... I think we have a study!!!

Service was really good today. We encountered different people and therefore used different approaches.  For example, we went to one door and said " We would like to share something meaningful from  the bible." LOL. That didn't work. 

You see here in Thailand the morality is deplorable, men literally come here for immoral purposes, so talking to them about the bible is nothing they want to know about. 

Next approach worked pretty well. " Hello, we are leaving this article with your neighbors and didn't want to leave you out." That worked like Gold. We just walked away and now we have something to go back to. 

Our last call of the day was Mango, she is married to a man from Denmark ( i think) and she is always home. She said she wants a study and even wants her son to study as well and learn english at the same time. So this Thursday Michelle and I will study with mango and her son. I was even invited to go on a study with  the CO which is going to be interesting. Ill keep you posted
Mango and the article
Setting up the RV for Thursday.


  1. Yayyy!!! I'm so happy for you. That is such a wonderful blessing. Jehovah is just opening up all these doors (LITERALLY) for you due to your perservance and dedication. Very encouraging! I cant wait to read how the study goes. That is interesting to know that the men in Thailand act like that. Gross! I love reading your blog entries it makes me feel like a fly on the wall lol. P.S I might borrow that approach out in service one day thanks :)

  2. Hey, you guys are doing as Jah said at Hag 2:7 Rocking all the nations. Keep up the good work. You are in our prayers.
