Thursday, June 14, 2012

18. We made it...

LOL... I WAS LIKE " Who are you looking for? Thats not my name." but it worked out

Airport that we were rejected at twice. And they tried to charge 200 dollars for  my luggage

No fun

Carrying and running around with this luggage
     After a 5 Hour flight from Japan to Thailand, we finally made it. Jonny was completely knocked out, not to mention his discontent with not being able to sit in first class like before. We arrived at the airport, went through immigration, got our bags, and was welcomed with a sign that clearly showed we’ve been waited on.  After first confirming that it was me he was waiting for, we decided to get to our territory, Hua Hin Thailand. However, it would take another 2 hours to arrive there.


  1. Great you made the fun begins

  2. So gla u all made it safely ur poor momma , probably all worried . I'm loving this everymoment it truly is upbuilding and encouraging .. I ant wait to see u both and hear all about it !!! Something for me to look forward to indeed !!:)

  3. I'm sure many prayers are being offered for you two including ours! This blog is great! Look forward to your upcoming reports of the ministry and our spiritual family over there. Take care!

  4. didnt i tell you to pack light, see wouldnt had to worry bout all those luggage, would of been easier to book it when needed, but i'm glad you guys finally made it now to work!
