Saturday, June 16, 2012


  Today we made it out in service. WOW what a difference!! We woke up this morning and rushed to the kingdom hall which is basically 17 seconds away from our house. Technically we don't have to shave but for impressions we did today. Immigration took our haircut machines apart thinking it was a bomb or something so we had to try to fix it and put it together.

 We arrive at the Kingdom Hall and it is very beautiful place, as all Kingdom Halls are. We enter and there is a Thai Brother taking the English and Thai group out for service. He pairs One english person with a Thai person. Together there are at least 60 in the Hall that make up the group for service. We all pack up, say hello, and off we go. It feels like riding in a biker gang to go into the territory. The territory we went into today was about 10 minutes away. There we walked from door to door, business to business, and tins to tins in the humidity. One sister while going to an RV fell off her motor bike ( as they call it here). She is ok and thank Mom for the first aid kit she gave me to take care of injuries.

The schedule for meetings here in English:
Sunday- 4-5:15 pm 
To teach us Thai we have the option of going to  a Class at 7pm on Saturdays. We are definitely going to do this.

This is how we ROLL in service

LEts get started

Ray Ban Preachin

Thai version of Twanya Gordon.


My service partner. Papou

In Thai " I received the watchtower already."
Tin Home
Alley way of someones house
Door to Door. We don't knock. We say.. SA WHAT DI KRAP


  1. Beautiful!!! :))) good way to start my day. Thanks guys!! Keep it up and say hello to the friends down there for us!

  2. Each day will be an adventure and a blessing. Im feeling encouraged just by these pictures. What a great way to deepen your love for preaching and learn that Thai!!! Jah will use you even more!

  3. That's great !!! Love every min.!:)

  4. Sawatdee!! What a way to start your ministry! This is so encouraging. Thanks for sharing. We know you will have a lot of wonderful things to share. May Jehovah bless your self-sacrificing spirit. :)

  5. Awesome!!! Y'all ride bikes in the field too cool

  6. I checked out all your pics. I respect and admire anyone especially young people who do what you have done. "Jehovah is with you in everything you are doing." keep us posted man...literally

  7. Im lovin this BLOG!! SA whatever that means, but seriously you experiences are awesome! love the pics love the videos. we will all stay tuned this is very encouraging!

  8. I love how I feel like I'm there.. great pics and writing.. LOVE the "ray ban preaching" pic .!!! Everything is perfect.. soak this in.. how is the response there..? are they hungry for the truth or kinda apprehensive/super religious??

  9. Nwm nwm! I will just be patient, wait and keep reading the blog.. lol
