Friday, June 22, 2012


 Today was one of those days! We woke up an hour earlier for service because our territory was farther then most. We Traveled into a city called,Cha-am. Heres the thing everyone, In a car you have nice cushioned seats. On a scooter not so much. Excuse my term because I cant find a better one. But your Butt hurts, simple as that. It feels like mush, wet ( because your sweating) mush and it stings. You know that feeling when your leg is dead and you try to walk and its just straight pins and needles. That’s the feeling on all these long rides. Not to mention the sun. BUT, we press on (no pun intended). We make it to the territory, we split into groups, and now the enjoyable part starts, trying to find people. (Look at some of the scenery) This requires endurance, because 75% of the time the foreigners we are searching for are riding past us on motor bikes going to the beach instead of sitting put in these rural areas. At some point I asked myself “ Whats the Point?” I had to pray about it because every time we went to an area they always said “NO, No Foreigners.” After the morning session, half of the group gave up and left, not so encouraging. The heat was nasty and people were ready to go. Wait! Wait Waaaait! Not to mention I crashed my bike today and ended up with some cuts on my legs ( Pictures available) There was one more piece of territory left to be covered!! Wiping the sweat from my face and  remembering what I was here for I drank some water, shook my shoulders, made a prayer, and continued on. Around 2pm, I made another prayer to actually find someone.  2:15 pm, what do you know, we found someone. The smile on my face when I was able to finally speak some English. The man we bumped into was French yet he knew some English and directed us to some other homes of English speakers. He showed interest and now I can officially say Jonny and I have 2 return visits. Although tough at times, moments like that makes it worth the while to press on. Read Proverbs 2:4. We continued as if we were searching for hidden treasures.

Rice Fields

Group meeting on Highway.

Me and Ben Working the territory 
" Brandon Did you want me to make a Left on the highway."

Market Where i fell.

Immediately taken after the accident. 
Neosporin Treated


  1. Your endurance paid off.. What a nice experience!! Yearbook material. :) Jehovah blessed you two perseverance!! Hooray..return visits!!! Next chapter - Bible studies. :)

    Sorry about your leg.. ouch!

  2. Gabby I'm so happy you decided to do this blog. Now you have all of your memories and experiences captured. There's no way you would have remembered all of these experiences. Thank you for sharing. Be careful and don't be afraid if the elephants :)

  3. Wow! Amazing how Jehovah answers our prayers :') This totally made my night right now. Convention has been great info but, catching up on ya'lls blogs has lifted me up even more. Keep up the great, sweaty, beautiful work for Jehovah!! <3

  4. This is my fav post so far and they have all been good but this was great how after all that hard work n many prayers jah lead u to someone who in turn guided u to more people.. ur first 2 rv!! It reminds me of Romans 10:13-15 so much especially verse 15!
