Tuesday, June 19, 2012

28. No Bananas

We drove up to a Monkey Village  which was scary but interesting at the same time. The scary part: The whole time my room mate kept asking, " Do you want to buy some Bananas?". Automatically 2 things came to my mind.One, Ive watched Spike TV about animals going wild, so that made me say no. And two, wild hungry monkeys and me with Bananas in my hand??, ehhhh not so smart. So my overall  answer was." No man, No Bananas for me." So as we drive up a steep, high hill to the monkeys, Mathias with the Bananas, a monkey from the left, literally out of no where jumps on his bike to get to the bananas. He hits it off with his umbrella, but then we look to left and literally hundreds of Monkeys, something out of planet of the apes, began to attack Mathias and stole the Bananas from him. Crazy. No bites, bruises, or scratches but i was so thankful that i did not by " No Bananas." The interesting part: Monkey have similar human tendencies, thats all.

Tip Your Hat Thailand


  1. Oh my, a lot of monkeys!! I guess you don't feed dogs or monkeys.. LOL I don't blame you one bit.

  2. Great choice not taking any bananas

  3. Thats a crazy thing to happen to that brother. I would have needed therapy if that happened to me. Lol. What memories you will have!

  4. Gabe, I have been to that monkey village. It is kind of scary.
