Friday, June 15, 2012

20. Down, Its about to go down.

    This morning Jonny and I decided to ride the motorcycle to the 7/11 down the street. We drive for about 5 minutes and I could tell he didn't have control of the machine, as big as he is. 2 minutes later we are riding up a curb and fly right off the bike. Bad news, We blew the tire. Good News, i saved nearly 15% on my car insurance. No, but we are good no injuries. After that i took over, we went across two streets, got the tire fixed, and then decided to go eat some authentic thai food. It wasn't to bad, but what made me a little worried was when the brother said. "If you want to get your stomach ready, this is the place to be." Great!!! In the words of Kevin Hart, " Its about to go down, toilet style".  Currently,we are about to go find a gym and take a peek at the beach so that Jonny and i can have a place for us to get on our workout routine.

Before the topple

Authentic Thai Food out in the streets.

Mathias, from Sweden.

P:S: You sweat as soon as you step foot outside. Secondly, flys are like your best friends, they follow you everywhere. We are always slapping ourselves because of these bugs.


  1. Awesome u guys arrived in Thailand!

  2. I'm so happy you made it. We have been reading the blog and love it!

  3. Whew! I'm glad that you guys made it and I'm glad that you found your phone. I can't wait to hear what service is like!

    PS. Keep the Pepto in your pocket, until your stomach adjusts!! ;-D

  4. Hey Gabi, Glad to hear you made it finally. No need to watch reality TV, I am enjoying this adventure, just be careful and keep the video's coming. I look forward to them and the blogs you are posting. Calling Tati Malou to get the scoop on your dad to find out how they are doing. Talk to you later AND don't lose your phone again
