Tuesday, June 12, 2012

6. Not Again

So Jonny and I are in the first class sipping Champagne and Orange Juice, Chatting up with the flight attendants, playing recline and upcline with the automatic seats. Time to fly!!! NOOOOPE, the pilot comes on the intercom and says, “ We are currently having technical difficulties with the aircraft. We will be just a few minutes.” 10 minutes later. “ Unfortunately the problem could not be solved, please stay seated with your seatbelts on as we are towed to the terminal” (Literally we were on the run way. Craziness, I know. Better safe than sorry. Matterfact better delayed than dead). The Pilot comes back on the intercom,“ The starter for engine #1 was not starting. It will take 20 Minutes for them to bring the starter and 45 min to install it.” So basically we are looking at 2 hours before we take off. 
"This Engine thing can't be real."
Why not make the best of this, right? As we waited, we literally turned Delta Air, into Delva Air for sure. We sat with the pilots and talked about our purpose for going to Thailand, and they gave us very good feedback about the location we would soon be living.



  1. Only you guys....already good times

  2. I'm enjoying this very much , how encouraging it is .. Love it

  3. whens the next trip!? This is like 3month soap opera!! I read the blog at lunch Im loving the adventure!!lol esaaa locaaaaaaaa (better yet esos locoooooos)!!! xoxo homies keep stayn safe
