Saturday, July 21, 2012

Special Thanks

I don't really have time to Comment back on everyones encouraging or random comments. But, Thank you all. The comments you post really keep us going and let us know you are keeping us in mind. When I left I thought that once your gone people just forget, like that out of sight out of mind thing. It isn't true though!! We fell the love. To all those who keep my parents in mind, thank you very much.


  1. Hey Gabbie it Jacques u used to do my study

  2. We truly understand!! You two keep up the good work. You are unforgettable! :)

    1. I agree with you sister!! Can't say this any other way but it's literally is encouraging for me and my family!! - keep it up boys!! :)

  3. I check it every few days to see something new, it's how I start my morning. Always builds me up or makes me laugh. I was so sad when you were in China and couldn't post anything new. But I'm glad you're back and safe and I'm looking forward to all the future posts, miss you guys! xoxo
