Wednesday, July 25, 2012

61. The Big Risk

       Now if there is anything im paranoid about its my hairline. Not snakes, not frogs, not big Gorillas who kill, its  my hairline. As I get older I realize that not only is my metabolism slowing down but my hairline is starting to look like my fathers.  By the way, my father is a dashing man. But he has a peanut for a head.
Handsom Guy my father is.

 The hairline I don’t want but cant seem to gradually avoid is the “batman” hairline. The Batman hairline is when the corners of the hair start to point and shift backwards.

 Now with the size of my head I may not look as good as my father. Anyways, The Big Risk. It has been over 2 months since I’ve cut my hair. We have assembly this week so I figured I would get a little freshened up. My roommate told me of a barber shop down the street. OH BOY!!! So, Jonny and I  go to the barber shop. I get inside and automatically the Thai Barber looks at me funny, smiles, and gives me a slowww thumbs up. It was almost like he said. “ Oh my, I have to cut that huge skull.” Or “ I am not used to cutting those types of naps.” My heart races, I stand up, sit on a chair. Jonny looks at me and starts laughing. He starts cutting my hair and when I tell you he didn’t know what he was doing -he really didn’t. It felt like he was doing summersaults and backflips on my head with the machine. Jonny couldn't  even look, he was laughing so hard. Finally, Jonny comes takes the machine off his hands and then starts cutting my hair. WHEEEEW!!!

Backflips on my head

Jonny Takes over

Barber Just watches

"You mean to tell me i still have to pay you 140 baht 4dollarsUS. You didn't do anything"


  1. Now, I didn't want to laugh but I couldn't help it.. Who cut Jonathan's hair? LOL

  2. This is soooo funny. But what great times you two are sharing. You'll never forget this...

  3. Hold your head up high son! Don't let any Thai barber look down on your head. For "out of the head of a great one comes a man who is wise".( Uh , I think)What a relief that Jonathan came to your rescue ( again!!) WAY TO GO little BRO!!! I can not imagine what you would look like gabriel ! ( I'm just sayin')

  4. As I was reading and scrolling down I was expecting to see a pic of you with a shaved head, phew thank goodness Johnny saved the day!
