Wednesday, July 4, 2012

43. Busy.. Busy.. Busy

      So far its been a great privilege being an encouraging source to the friends here at the Hua Hin Congregation.  From the last walk to the Kingdom Hall you saw some of the friends both Thai and english that are very awesome people. The accents here vary from British English accents, to Japanese, to watchtower library accents as they like to tell Jonny and I. “ You sound straight out of the young people ask book.” Faaaaaaaar from it. Not only have we been busy in the Ministry but we are also busy in the congregation. Here are some pics::


Bible Readings

Field Service

Watchtower Reader

Handling the Microphones


  1. It's a wonderful priviledge to be used by Jehovah. Jehovah is certainly using you guys. You answered the call... "Here I am! Send me." Isa. 6:8 You've adjusted to a different standard of living and an entirely new Thai culture. You two are following Isaiah's and Paul's example. You are exerting yourselves vigorously in serving Jehovah to the very best of your ability. No doubt Jehovah sees your hard work and he will continue to bless it. Contine to be busy, busy, busy in the work of the Lord. 1 Cor 15:58 "Your labor is not in vain in connection with the Lord."

  2. Keep up the great work guys .... I think there is a tear in my eye lol
