Saturday, July 28, 2012

64. Pre-Assembly Cleaning

         6:30 am this morning we rode in a 9 passenger van to Bangkok for our assembly. The drive is about 3 Hours. I hate long rides so I knocked out and by the time i woke up, we were at the assembly hall. Time to get to work!! But, we first have to find the place. We arrive to a University, the assembly hall was  located inside.When we reached the auditorium, we realized that no one was there. While Steve is trying to figure out where the group is I'm staring and looking hard at this chair like. " You couldn't have a cushion buddy? I sit on scooters all day and i had a cramped 3 hour drive, you could have at least graced me with a cushion."

The auditorium was fairly small and muggy. None the less, this is where the Assembly was going to be. Im excited lets get cleaning..Wait.. Wait... Wait

Finally, Steve gets a phone call, that wasn't it. HE. HE . HE.. We walked around a bit and walked up this garage looking door. As we get up to this nicely lit, cushiony seated chair, blue carpeted area on the second floor, other friends from different English Groups are on their hands and knees scrubbing the carpet, putting up banners, and cleaning chairs and the bathroom. Everyone was happy to see such a large group assist with the cleaning. Jonny and I, along with Steve and Ben assisted with chair and table placement. We met a nice missionary couple and couples who wanted to do something different in there service to Jehovah. All in all, the Pre-Cleaning was successful and we had a part in this aspect of sacred service.

Preferred seating.LOL

Baptism Pool.


  1. Even though you were a little disappointed from the seats with no cushions, you were eager to still get to work to clean Jehovah's temporary house of worship. Then the good news.. You have cushion..That is nice. Jehovah blessed you all with cushioned seats..:-) He don't want your behind to go numb during the program. :)

    Only in Jehovah's organization, a place rented/used for worship is cleaner when you leave then when you arrived.. A witness within itself!! Enjoy the assembly!!

  2. You guys will be blessed for doing such good deeds. I wish you all goodluck.

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