Monday, July 9, 2012


      So we wake up around 9:30. ( everyone who knows me, knows that this was a difficult task, waking up in the morning). We walk downstairs eat some breakfast. Now im just going to Bullet everything.

*Get on the train
* Talk to a guy on the train. “ You guys are on the wrong Train. Go back one and take the underground train, MRT.”
*Get on MRT to AOSOK, down to PHRA RAM9
* We walked to Chinese Consulate.
* Grab ticket #191
*Fill out 4 page VISA Papers
* Guy next to us says “ Do you have Visa Picture.” We say “no” He says “ Go down the street and get your picture down, Hurry!!”
* We go down the streets and get pictures taken. By the time we left they were on # 120
* Take Pictures
* Make it back and We now sit and wait.
* 130,140…..,150……., 160…. 170….. remember now we are #191
  • 3 people now left in the Visa Office
  • 189….190  WE ARE CLOSED. The Security turns the Lights off on us and we are left in the dark and kicked out of the Chinese Embassy. “ Come  back tomorrow.”
Map Of train station.
So at it again we go tomorrow.
Creative looking trains

Train station

Bourne Identity type stuff

4 pages of VISA INFO

Notice the Passport pictures


LAST 3 People in the Visa Office

Notice my hand says 191. and the empty rooms says 190. Crazy.


  1. Mathias says "I told you so".............

    1. Hope you guys get on OK tomorrow. Missed you guys at football tonight.We had a great game and the old kiwi boys team knock the Swedish boys team down by 2 goals.

  2. oh my.. Deja vu.. I hope all goes well tomorrow. This is truly a learning experience for you and your audience. We are taking note of this adventurous, but rewarding journey. May Jehovah bless and continue to be with you in all your endeavors. :)

  3. By now you guys should be set.

  4. Amazing experiences.....challenging situations...memories of lifetime. I am so happy and proud of you guys. May Jah continue to bless your efforts.
