Tuesday, July 24, 2012

60. The Couple

Meet Andrew and Shan

“ They say that the first year of marriage is always the hardest, so we figured we would make our first year fun and exciting.” Says Andrew.
Andrew and Shan are not only new to the Hua Hin congregation but also to each other. They have been married for a whole month… and don’t forget the 3 days.  “Although we will have some problems (as all married couples do) we will be able to resolve them together. We don’t have the influence of family ( IN-LAWS) or  friends. Its just US. It’s a good start for our marriage. It just felt natural for us to come and do this work together. I think if we tried to establish ourselves back at home it would be very difficult to put this into action. But it all works out, its not expensive here and our place comes fully furnished and with a Big TV.” Andrew and Shan both in there 30s, are staying here for 9 months and already showing great enthusiasm. Jonny and I went in service with them and literally together got 8 return visits, talk about our best day in service. We got One lady who had a dream that a bomb exploded in the water and a gentleman who outright says he’s willing to study. Great day in service. Their example is definitely something I would like to do in the future and worth sharing with all. 

Shan Sharing a Scripture.
Funny story is Shan and I had a nice call. The man invited us in we spoke a lot just in general about his past, his family, and things he loves to do for people. He told us to come back so we can speak to his daughter who would be very interested and even bring The Learn From the Great Teacher Book for his son. Anyways, the man was sitting in front of me and he had just got out the shower. As you can see by the picture he was only in a towel. Sooo when he had  to adjust himself I had to keep putting my head up rather than look at Shans direction where she has the bible.  For the 15minutes we were there I was in my bible and my bible only.


  1. How wonderful for them and yall too! I just shared this with my brother I'm sure he will like the idea. :)

  2. Thanks for sharing this wonderful example of newly weds giving Jehovah their best!! You are right. It's worth sharing. It gives us single folks something to look forward to in the future if we do things Jehovah's way as the District Convention brought out in the drama. Especially, those of us who desire to serve Jehovah without limits - giving him our all. Their example also shows whenever you put Jehovah first in your life and especially as a married couple, you will reap a large reward and good fruitage.

    Jehovah will indeed continue to bless Andrew and Shan for their self-sacrificing spirit. No doubt they want to enjoy their first year of marriage - I can't think of a better way to do so, by fully relying on Jehovah and serving abroad. You show that you take to heart Ecc 4:12.. Jehovah is certainly interwoven within your marriage - "threefold cord". Andrew and Shan .. I want to be like you when I grow up.. :) well you know what I'm saying. Congratulations!! May Jehovah bless you with much love, happiness and JOY as you put Jehovah and others before yourself!!:) Sorry for the long spill..

    Lastly, I'm happy to hear of all the return visits that Jehovah blessed you all with for your hard work. (Such a wonderful blessing!!) Now you will turn those 8 return visits into 8 Bible Studies with Jehovah's holy spirit!! Job well done!!! :)

  3. UNPRECEDENTED !!! What an amazing start to a marriage!! This serves as a fine example of two people united in unselfish love, dedicated to Jehovah!!! Not only did they make a vow to each other, but they remembered the vow each made to Jehovah! They have united , combined their strong love for Jehovah and to each other, to give Jehovah their "first offerings ", their best!! WOW!! WOW!! No better way to begin a lifetime in service to Jehovah. We are wishing "the couple" our best! No doubt that Jehovah will accept their sacrifice . May he bless them and look upon them with favor now and the years ahead!

  4. WOW,that is an awesome way to start a marriage! Truely a self-sacrificing spirit they are displaying. Jehovah will definitely bless them and make their marriage strong...... funny experience. People there are very comfortable around strangers. lol

  5. Wow, that's really wonderful. And it's always nice to see adults get married. I really dig the experiences/stories you choose to share. I'm def going to share this with some folks! Thanks :)
