Saturday, July 28, 2012

63.Jonny Leaves..Celine Dion time

Although, My time is almost up here in Thailand, My brother is leaving me. Now..... My brother and I hardly , close to never separate for more than a week every other month or so, but now we will be separated for a whole month. Some might say.
“ Well, wait til you both get married you will definietly be seperate?” or “You have to live away from each other eventually?”
 I honestly don’t agree with any those. You see, When parents like ours built us to be tighter than glue,more fastened than a leather belt, tighter than skinny jeans on a big person, white on rice, brown on a brownie, you get the point.... you just don’t see that happening. At least you don’t want it to happen.  We realized on this trip that in all the experiences we went through together in some way or aspect we NEEDED each other. We relied on each other to balance the other out. For example,

Airport lady: Ok your departure  area is B4.
Jonny: Thank you
5minutes later
Me: (Testingly) Yo, Where are we supposed to go again?
Jonny: I think we need to go to C16
Me: What fool? no its B4.
Jonny: If you knew, why are you asking me?
And then we both laugh


Me: Hello, Yes, I need to know if you can provide a taxi form the bus station.
Lady: Yeh, you know de taxi Shoe be derawival
Me: What? I cant do this. Jonny talk to this lady.
Jonny: Is there taxi a taxi at the bus station
Lady: Yes, there are actually taxis waiting upon your arrival.
Me to Jonny: How in  the world did you understand anything she was saying.
Jonny: You know as big as your head is i would expect you to get that faster than me!
And then we both laugh.

The point of it all is that he’s leaving and we will be away from each other for a whole month. My road dawg, my travel partner, my partner in crime, My boy…. Sniffle sniffle.. MY BROTHER is leaving me.
Lets  go down memory lane:



The Face of being slapped by an obstacle.

Walking the Streets of Japan

ElephantVillage in Hua Hin

Posing at Tinanment Square

Hugs on the Great Wall of China

Snorkeling at Phi Phi Island Thailand

Elephant Ride in Phucket

Entering the Jungle on 4 Wheelers
Dont GOOOOOO!!!!!

" How could i ever... ever surviivvveeeeeeeeeee.."


  1. That's the cutest thing ever!!! I feel you on that..

  2. We can see that you two have a close wonderful relationship! That is beautiful... :)I know it must be hard, but you can do it!! You will survive!!

    I just thought of the line from Color Purple of the two sisters... "Me and You us never part-MAKI-DA-DA..Me and You us never part-MAKI-DA-DA..Aint no ocean, aint no sea-MAKI-DA-DA..Keep my sister (brother)'way from me." You two still have one another even though you're miles apart.:)

  3. This makes me feel so sentimental, I feel the same with my sister getting married in two weeks.

  4. you just made me cry, not good for me to read since i'm leaving tomorrow and leaving my best friend, my other half , my big sister; a whole lot of sniffles!!!!

  5. Awwwww Gabby dem, everything will be alright. Trust in Jehovah bro. I know how you feel. September is right there.

  6. Lol.. am i the only one who didnt cry but died laughing esp when celine dion popped up! This was really sweet tho..!
