Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Im always fascinated when I see monks freely roam the streets. Its something I always relate to seeing on TV or something. Never actually pictured it in real life.
Som facts about Monks according to WT library:

1. Buddhist Monks, recognized by their distinctive robes, form a principal element of Buddhism; they promise to be truthful, to be compassionate to man and beast, to beg for their livelihood, to shun amusements, and to live in chastity.

2. A leading Buddhist preacher explained that homosexuality in itself is not banned among monks, “otherwise more than half of them would be defrocked.”

3.   Excerpt from an experience: “I was fascinated by the idea that wearing such an image of Buddha around the neck could provide protection from harm and ensure good fortune. So I started to collect amulets. I stayed with the monks at the wat for a few months, and during that time, I was introduced to meditation, fortune-telling, and other spiritistic practices.”

4The shaving of the head and often eyebrows, in some strict temples, is to help the monk to lose vanity associated with hair, the combing and styling, as this is a negative, unproductive thought. The shaved heads are an expression of simplicity.

added info check wiki link :

This is what they should be doing. Walking to the temple
This was the easy way to the temple.

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