Friday, July 20, 2012

58: MANGO.. VIOLENT? experience

Excited to finally start a study with Mango we go to visit her. We get to the gate, the car is there, we ring the door bell, and a man from the backyard comes to greet us.
Me: “Is Mango here?”
Man: “ Yes she is. Let me get her.” He calls for Mango.
Mango: “ I told my Husband my friends would visit today.”
Man: “ I’m George ( I think that’s his name, for the sake of my memory that’s his name.)
Hanna: “ Welcome back, where were you?”
George: “ I’m from Scotland. Just went home for a little.”
Hanna: “ WoW, you don’t have the strong Scottish accent.”
George: Jokingly he says“ I have the educated Scottish accent.  ( Hanna in her head is like whatever that means) If you want me to sound like that then I can.” He goes into a Leprechaun sounding accent. “ Please come in.”

A little hesitant  Hanna and I go in.  Hanna continues to speak to George, personal interest type things. I look over into the kitchen where Mango is giving me a signal to come to her. I go.

Mango: Today is not good.
Me: Ok, we will talk as friends do. Mi Pen RHi ( No problem in Thai)
Mango: Next time, Im sorry.
 I go back to sit in the convo with George and Hanna…….annnddd

George:  “ For a minute, I thought you guys were Jehovahs Witnesses.”
Hanna and me: “ha ha ha.” Giving each other this awkward look.
Hanna: “What Would make you think that?”
George: Saying mockingly, “ Because they go around talking to people about GOD, trying to convert people. Oh God” He literally stood up put his hands in prayer position and acted like a straight fool.
Me: “Have you ever spoke to one Jehovah’s Witnesses?”
George: “ No.But I know they would let there own child die, because they don’t take blood transfusions. They wouldn’t get past that gate. ( pointing to his front door)”
Me: “That’s not true. They Believe in Life and also have Blood Options.”
George: “What’s That? Wait…. Are you Jehovah’s Witnesses?”

Hanna and I both say Yes. He continues to call ALL religion Lunatics and even goes to the point of calling us lunatics.  At this point he frazzled.

George:“ People Kill in the name of Religion.”
Hanna: “ We agree with what your saying, people have…” Hanna gets cut off.
            (She wanted to continue to tell him that it is true but its man not the bible or God who do this. )

 George continues into other topics. How he believes in Aliens more than he would believe in God. And then he says. “ I’m going to get violent.. I suggest you finish your drink and get the EFF out my house.”

In my Brain: Say whaaaat… I will Bust you up.. wait wait cant think that way!!…I need to get out this place right now.  Hanna is the closest to him for her safety we need to pull out now. Jehovah please let us walk out safely. Please let me leave here without any trouble!!

Me: “Thank you George.” As I shake his hand. “Have a great day and thanks for having us over.”
 George: “Stop wasting your lives with this.”
Hanna: “We love this life. Goodbye.”

The whole time Mango was angry at George for his rudeness. I guess she knows who the lunatic really is. Anyways, we are hoping we set an example on peacefulness  and we pray that Mango will continue in her interest .


  1. Seriously, I love love your blog!! I've been off work for the past 6 weeks with a bum ankle so I have nothing but time on my hands (it's been kind of great actually, lol) but I came across your blog site on Instagram and am so glad I did. Your blog is good stuff and so very encouraging! Thanks so much for taking the time to document/share your experiences. Much appreciated!
    P.S. If you eat any amazing Thai food (if at all possible) could you please post a recipe?? Because I love me some Thai food and an authentic Thai recipe would be Uh Maze EEng to have. If not, hacunamatata, I know you guys are busy preachin' the word. :)

  2. Wow Gabe that is direct opposition but know this, you guys were tactful yet firm and unashamed of being Jehovah's servants. Someway somehow even if George never learns the truth he got a witness and I know Mangoheard what you said about our respect for life and blood. Tell Hanna I said great job too. Jah's blessings to you guys. Shake the dust off your feet and depart. Press on.

  3. You both handle that well!! And Jehovah and his angels had your backs.. You wouldn't have to bust up anyone Gabe.. :)You're first instinct came out to protect.. We will keep you two in our prayers and Mango to continue her study.. Jehovah will indeed make a way for her to do so. Nothing can stop him even Mr. George..

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Wow! Jehovah's spirit really was with y'all!!! Hope you are able to (safely) go back and talk with Mango! Really enjoying "following" y'all on your adventure! :-)
