Saturday, July 28, 2012

64. Pre-Assembly Cleaning

         6:30 am this morning we rode in a 9 passenger van to Bangkok for our assembly. The drive is about 3 Hours. I hate long rides so I knocked out and by the time i woke up, we were at the assembly hall. Time to get to work!! But, we first have to find the place. We arrive to a University, the assembly hall was  located inside.When we reached the auditorium, we realized that no one was there. While Steve is trying to figure out where the group is I'm staring and looking hard at this chair like. " You couldn't have a cushion buddy? I sit on scooters all day and i had a cramped 3 hour drive, you could have at least graced me with a cushion."

The auditorium was fairly small and muggy. None the less, this is where the Assembly was going to be. Im excited lets get cleaning..Wait.. Wait... Wait

Finally, Steve gets a phone call, that wasn't it. HE. HE . HE.. We walked around a bit and walked up this garage looking door. As we get up to this nicely lit, cushiony seated chair, blue carpeted area on the second floor, other friends from different English Groups are on their hands and knees scrubbing the carpet, putting up banners, and cleaning chairs and the bathroom. Everyone was happy to see such a large group assist with the cleaning. Jonny and I, along with Steve and Ben assisted with chair and table placement. We met a nice missionary couple and couples who wanted to do something different in there service to Jehovah. All in all, the Pre-Cleaning was successful and we had a part in this aspect of sacred service.

Preferred seating.LOL

Baptism Pool.

63.Jonny Leaves..Celine Dion time

Although, My time is almost up here in Thailand, My brother is leaving me. Now..... My brother and I hardly , close to never separate for more than a week every other month or so, but now we will be separated for a whole month. Some might say.
“ Well, wait til you both get married you will definietly be seperate?” or “You have to live away from each other eventually?”
 I honestly don’t agree with any those. You see, When parents like ours built us to be tighter than glue,more fastened than a leather belt, tighter than skinny jeans on a big person, white on rice, brown on a brownie, you get the point.... you just don’t see that happening. At least you don’t want it to happen.  We realized on this trip that in all the experiences we went through together in some way or aspect we NEEDED each other. We relied on each other to balance the other out. For example,

Airport lady: Ok your departure  area is B4.
Jonny: Thank you
5minutes later
Me: (Testingly) Yo, Where are we supposed to go again?
Jonny: I think we need to go to C16
Me: What fool? no its B4.
Jonny: If you knew, why are you asking me?
And then we both laugh


Me: Hello, Yes, I need to know if you can provide a taxi form the bus station.
Lady: Yeh, you know de taxi Shoe be derawival
Me: What? I cant do this. Jonny talk to this lady.
Jonny: Is there taxi a taxi at the bus station
Lady: Yes, there are actually taxis waiting upon your arrival.
Me to Jonny: How in  the world did you understand anything she was saying.
Jonny: You know as big as your head is i would expect you to get that faster than me!
And then we both laugh.

The point of it all is that he’s leaving and we will be away from each other for a whole month. My road dawg, my travel partner, my partner in crime, My boy…. Sniffle sniffle.. MY BROTHER is leaving me.
Lets  go down memory lane:



The Face of being slapped by an obstacle.

Walking the Streets of Japan

ElephantVillage in Hua Hin

Posing at Tinanment Square

Hugs on the Great Wall of China

Snorkeling at Phi Phi Island Thailand

Elephant Ride in Phucket

Entering the Jungle on 4 Wheelers
Dont GOOOOOO!!!!!

" How could i ever... ever surviivvveeeeeeeeeee.."

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

62.THE POLICE.. it just had to happen

         In Hua Hin the police do random checkpoints in the middle of no where, you never expect them. Prior to coming to Thailand some comments pertaining to the police was  to always have identification at all times. Which includes, Drivers license, Passport copy, and MONEY. Why money? Because the Police extort you for your hard earned BAHT.
Tonight Jonny and I are going to the gym. Half way to the gym Jonny realizes that he forgot his helmet.
He thinks " Eh.. Im to lazy to turn back." 5 min  later Jonny says " I bet i get a ticket." We turn the corner 2 minutes later, then BEEEM. Police flashes light in Jonnys eyes. BUSTED!!. Jonny tries to maneuver around the police and make a run for it but it didn't work. Now in my head. "Im Like Oh man.. I can't let Jonny go to Jail." Why can't i let Jonny go to jail? Because 1. He's my brother and 2. My dad will literally cry, have a heart attack, and fly down the next day. So i saved that drama and i pulled up next to him, and heres the convo.

Police: Driva Licenths Pleath
Jonny: Oh my license.. here
Police: Whe Yu Fuyam?
Jonny: Miami Florida
Police: What?
Jonny:Miami Florida
Police: Oh..

 Now I Jump in as decoy.

Me: Give me your back pack Jonny. ( The reason why i took Jonnys backpack is because if the police see you pull out money they will ask for whatever is in your hand)
Jonny: Alright here
Me: Hey, Mr. Officer .. Where are you From?
Police: Meee. From Hua Hin
Me: Word, I love hua hin, best place in the world.
Police: Slow down, I don understand Enlgish to good.
Me: Ohh Ha ha ha ha .. Sorry... You Want a cookie? ( I hand him my last strawberry filled centered cookie)
Police: Thank you. Umm.. Good

Police to Jonny:You play basketball.. You have lady Thailand.
Jonny: Oh.. ( with a turnt on swag) ha ha ..No lady and yeah i play basketball
Police: Sooooo you take care of police? or go to police station? ( At this point I'm shocked. You mean to tell me that the Cookie didn't win you over and possibly having the autograph of Jonny Delva stop you from scamming us?)
Jonny: What?? OHHHH... How much?
Police: 200 Baht (6$)

So, under his police pad we slide 200 baht, as his superior officer walks past us.

Police: Ok, See you tomorrow!!
 Me and Jonny: WHAT???
Police: Ha ha.. That Just Police Joke.


61. The Big Risk

       Now if there is anything im paranoid about its my hairline. Not snakes, not frogs, not big Gorillas who kill, its  my hairline. As I get older I realize that not only is my metabolism slowing down but my hairline is starting to look like my fathers.  By the way, my father is a dashing man. But he has a peanut for a head.
Handsom Guy my father is.

 The hairline I don’t want but cant seem to gradually avoid is the “batman” hairline. The Batman hairline is when the corners of the hair start to point and shift backwards.

 Now with the size of my head I may not look as good as my father. Anyways, The Big Risk. It has been over 2 months since I’ve cut my hair. We have assembly this week so I figured I would get a little freshened up. My roommate told me of a barber shop down the street. OH BOY!!! So, Jonny and I  go to the barber shop. I get inside and automatically the Thai Barber looks at me funny, smiles, and gives me a slowww thumbs up. It was almost like he said. “ Oh my, I have to cut that huge skull.” Or “ I am not used to cutting those types of naps.” My heart races, I stand up, sit on a chair. Jonny looks at me and starts laughing. He starts cutting my hair and when I tell you he didn’t know what he was doing -he really didn’t. It felt like he was doing summersaults and backflips on my head with the machine. Jonny couldn't  even look, he was laughing so hard. Finally, Jonny comes takes the machine off his hands and then starts cutting my hair. WHEEEEW!!!

Backflips on my head

Jonny Takes over

Barber Just watches

"You mean to tell me i still have to pay you 140 baht 4dollarsUS. You didn't do anything"

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

60. The Couple

Meet Andrew and Shan

“ They say that the first year of marriage is always the hardest, so we figured we would make our first year fun and exciting.” Says Andrew.
Andrew and Shan are not only new to the Hua Hin congregation but also to each other. They have been married for a whole month… and don’t forget the 3 days.  “Although we will have some problems (as all married couples do) we will be able to resolve them together. We don’t have the influence of family ( IN-LAWS) or  friends. Its just US. It’s a good start for our marriage. It just felt natural for us to come and do this work together. I think if we tried to establish ourselves back at home it would be very difficult to put this into action. But it all works out, its not expensive here and our place comes fully furnished and with a Big TV.” Andrew and Shan both in there 30s, are staying here for 9 months and already showing great enthusiasm. Jonny and I went in service with them and literally together got 8 return visits, talk about our best day in service. We got One lady who had a dream that a bomb exploded in the water and a gentleman who outright says he’s willing to study. Great day in service. Their example is definitely something I would like to do in the future and worth sharing with all. 

Shan Sharing a Scripture.
Funny story is Shan and I had a nice call. The man invited us in we spoke a lot just in general about his past, his family, and things he loves to do for people. He told us to come back so we can speak to his daughter who would be very interested and even bring The Learn From the Great Teacher Book for his son. Anyways, the man was sitting in front of me and he had just got out the shower. As you can see by the picture he was only in a towel. Sooo when he had  to adjust himself I had to keep putting my head up rather than look at Shans direction where she has the bible.  For the 15minutes we were there I was in my bible and my bible only.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Stay Tuned Soon to Come...

61. Pre- Assembly cleaning and help

62. Assembly and Experiences

63. Goodbye Jonny :.....(

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Special Thanks

I don't really have time to Comment back on everyones encouraging or random comments. But, Thank you all. The comments you post really keep us going and let us know you are keeping us in mind. When I left I thought that once your gone people just forget, like that out of sight out of mind thing. It isn't true though!! We fell the love. To all those who keep my parents in mind, thank you very much.

Friday, July 20, 2012


“Am I really here???? The Great wall, really??” I promised I asked that question a thousand times. Isaiah  21:8 says “Upon the watchtower, O Jehovah, I am standing constantly by day, and at my guardpost I am stationed…” It was amazing to be at these guardposts high into the mountians, and even more amazing to see how far it stretched. The architecture, the smell of the air, the clouds, and the rocks I almost slipped on. Truly a wonder of the world.

 This Is how we made it down the Great wall. So much fun

58: MANGO.. VIOLENT? experience

Excited to finally start a study with Mango we go to visit her. We get to the gate, the car is there, we ring the door bell, and a man from the backyard comes to greet us.
Me: “Is Mango here?”
Man: “ Yes she is. Let me get her.” He calls for Mango.
Mango: “ I told my Husband my friends would visit today.”
Man: “ I’m George ( I think that’s his name, for the sake of my memory that’s his name.)
Hanna: “ Welcome back, where were you?”
George: “ I’m from Scotland. Just went home for a little.”
Hanna: “ WoW, you don’t have the strong Scottish accent.”
George: Jokingly he says“ I have the educated Scottish accent.  ( Hanna in her head is like whatever that means) If you want me to sound like that then I can.” He goes into a Leprechaun sounding accent. “ Please come in.”

A little hesitant  Hanna and I go in.  Hanna continues to speak to George, personal interest type things. I look over into the kitchen where Mango is giving me a signal to come to her. I go.

Mango: Today is not good.
Me: Ok, we will talk as friends do. Mi Pen RHi ( No problem in Thai)
Mango: Next time, Im sorry.
 I go back to sit in the convo with George and Hanna…….annnddd

George:  “ For a minute, I thought you guys were Jehovahs Witnesses.”
Hanna and me: “ha ha ha.” Giving each other this awkward look.
Hanna: “What Would make you think that?”
George: Saying mockingly, “ Because they go around talking to people about GOD, trying to convert people. Oh God” He literally stood up put his hands in prayer position and acted like a straight fool.
Me: “Have you ever spoke to one Jehovah’s Witnesses?”
George: “ No.But I know they would let there own child die, because they don’t take blood transfusions. They wouldn’t get past that gate. ( pointing to his front door)”
Me: “That’s not true. They Believe in Life and also have Blood Options.”
George: “What’s That? Wait…. Are you Jehovah’s Witnesses?”

Hanna and I both say Yes. He continues to call ALL religion Lunatics and even goes to the point of calling us lunatics.  At this point he frazzled.

George:“ People Kill in the name of Religion.”
Hanna: “ We agree with what your saying, people have…” Hanna gets cut off.
            (She wanted to continue to tell him that it is true but its man not the bible or God who do this. )

 George continues into other topics. How he believes in Aliens more than he would believe in God. And then he says. “ I’m going to get violent.. I suggest you finish your drink and get the EFF out my house.”

In my Brain: Say whaaaat… I will Bust you up.. wait wait cant think that way!!…I need to get out this place right now.  Hanna is the closest to him for her safety we need to pull out now. Jehovah please let us walk out safely. Please let me leave here without any trouble!!

Me: “Thank you George.” As I shake his hand. “Have a great day and thanks for having us over.”
 George: “Stop wasting your lives with this.”
Hanna: “We love this life. Goodbye.”

The whole time Mango was angry at George for his rudeness. I guess she knows who the lunatic really is. Anyways, we are hoping we set an example on peacefulness  and we pray that Mango will continue in her interest .

Thursday, July 19, 2012

57. Tinanmen SQaure

Although known for many Protests decades ago this area was a great place for walking and sights. Legs were on fire after this day.

Can u find jonny?