Wednesday, August 22, 2012

69. Service Weapons

In Thailand there are weapons that one should be equipped with.  For example,
The sword - Gods word the bible 
The stick - ward off angry dogs
The umbrella- to block the intense rays of the sun and to scare off dogs. 

Now, we are all to familiar with the use of the sword. We use it all the time in the ministry. And obviously we are familiar with the use of the  umbrella to block the sun.  In these following videos you will see the use for not only the stick and it's effectiveness but also the umbrella.

My reasons for having a stick which I carry all the time now, is because week after week I am continually chased and harassed by stray dogs.  So now when They see "the stick" they think twice about trying something with me.  All the friends and even local people look at me funny and laugh because I am the only person in Thailand with a stick hanging from my bike. Usually, people just size the dogs up and stop their bikes so the dogs will stop chasing. But me, ummmm hmmm I have no time to determine if a dog is serious or not about biting some skin off from my caramel latte, brown and lightly sugared , mahogany skin, uh uh!!

The Stick Demonstrated and Held in the Hands of HELEN and ELLIE

This could of turnt into a bad practice session, if the dog decided to attack. Not for me, for him. well, maybe for me too.

1 comment:

  1. LOLing @ having no time to size up the dogs! And hi, those sisters are such Gs for being in service, in DRESSES on BIKES!! (and they still managed to be cute!) Next time I have the opportunity to serve where the need is great I def want to go somewhere where I can ride a motorcycle so I can be G like Hellie and Ellen! Woot woot to them!! Thanks so much for sharing!
