Thursday, August 9, 2012


That sounds great right. Hawaii. Hula skirts, Hula dancing, the amazing beaches, palm trees,mountains The.. the.. layover.

 Baaaaaack to the buddy pass issue.... AGAIN. Jonny barely got out of Japan to make it home to Fort Lauderdale. What made it worse was that he didn't have a credit card, only the 700 baht($23 U.S) in is wallet. With a lot of determination and P.U.S.H, he was able to fly to Hawaii which  didn't have any availability either, but somehow he pulled a me. He made some people laugh and they let him on the plane ( THATA BOY).
 Heres the bad but great thing that happened.
BAD: He wouldn't go home directly, it would take him 3 days.
GREAT: ( Drumroll please) As you know we are an international, worldwide organization and when there is the name Jehovah involved our brothers show up like song books in the lost and found section of the kingdom hall, with somebody else's name on it. According to the story, My dad knew a sister, who has a sister that lives in Hawaii ( read again if you didn't get it). So they made a couple of phone calls and Jonny was picked up, fed, and given money to make the trip back home.

Zephaniah 3:9 says " For then I Shall give to peoples the change to a pure languages, in order for them all to call upon the name  of Jehovah, in order to serve him shoulder to shoulder."



  1. A true brotherhood!! Yay!! Jonathan made it home safely!!

  2. It is so encouraging to hear of the love around the world that we share in Jehovah's organization. This was really wonderful to hear about. I'm so glad Johnny made it back safe :)
