Monday, August 27, 2012

72. My interview

As i am leaving soon, Levi the Egyptian/ Lebanon Prince himself thought it would be nice to interview me before i left. It was a process of 3 days, but we did it. To look at the interview. click on the following link to the Right of my posts that is titled Levi and Hana
or copy paste this domaine.

Friday, August 24, 2012

71. Kidnapping...

" Give me all your money or I'm taking the child. Hurry!!! Hurry!!!!!"

  Looking at this picture we would probably be convinced that, thats what was happening in the picture. In actuality that is a grandmother holding her grandchild.

In Thailand it is common to see people with ski mask type clothing over their face in this fashion. The reason is to protect their faces from the sun. Most construction workers wear this all day for work. Because i always associate this type of look with Terrorist activity, i sometimes get really frightened when they are walking or driving by in large groups, and then remember. "Oh.. They are just working."

This woman was possibly 65 years of age. She is a water jug transporter. She was hauling water jugs like a 25 year old.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

70.Interview.... LISA

During our way to service, i decided to do a crazy, while driving, interview with a sister who just came from Great Britain. Listen Up.

Idea Provided by: Levi.

69. Service Weapons

In Thailand there are weapons that one should be equipped with.  For example,
The sword - Gods word the bible 
The stick - ward off angry dogs
The umbrella- to block the intense rays of the sun and to scare off dogs. 

Now, we are all to familiar with the use of the sword. We use it all the time in the ministry. And obviously we are familiar with the use of the  umbrella to block the sun.  In these following videos you will see the use for not only the stick and it's effectiveness but also the umbrella.

My reasons for having a stick which I carry all the time now, is because week after week I am continually chased and harassed by stray dogs.  So now when They see "the stick" they think twice about trying something with me.  All the friends and even local people look at me funny and laugh because I am the only person in Thailand with a stick hanging from my bike. Usually, people just size the dogs up and stop their bikes so the dogs will stop chasing. But me, ummmm hmmm I have no time to determine if a dog is serious or not about biting some skin off from my caramel latte, brown and lightly sugared , mahogany skin, uh uh!!

The Stick Demonstrated and Held in the Hands of HELEN and ELLIE

This could of turnt into a bad practice session, if the dog decided to attack. Not for me, for him. well, maybe for me too.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

68.Krabi .. Railay Beach.. Speaks for itslef

67. BURMA RUN....

 It was about that time to update my Passport again. No worries, VISA was not involved. I decided that I would go with the Ackroyd Family since they had to do a Border run aswell. Now, with their history and chaos in traveling and my chaos,this was bound to  be a nightmare. According to some of their stories they've been put in airport jails and all. NOT what i wanted to hear!!
Our Journey:
1. We got a Bus from Hua Hin to Champong
2. Stayed at a Hotel
3. Caught the early morning Bus to Border Crossing.
4. Rode a Boat to Burma.
5. Made it to Burma. Paid Ten US dollars. Got stamped
6. Took the boat back to Thailand, got stamped
7. Caught a Bus from Customs  back to Champong, and made it just in time for the Boat to Krabi.

Sounds pretty easy right. It was, for a couple exceptions. Before boarding the boat to Burma,we had to buy American Dollars  from some sketchy guy at the Thai customs. He sat on  this bike  away from everyone else, but seemed to be trusted by all the other people. Supposedly, in Burma thats what they like to accept. They make the border run a lot easier if you have an American dollar. Before we paid for the American dollars with the Thai Baht. Steve gave it to me to examine and i determined it was fake ( what i was really trying to do was make the sketchy guy nervous) but i guess they were real. It just didn't feel right though. Well, when we finally made it to Burma, the Customs officer examined the Ten dollar bills, i can't lie, with the thought of the dollar being fake and being in another country where there are some warring issues, i was a little freaked out. Nonetheless, he accepted it and put it in his drawer. Free to go.

The annoying part is when i got back to Thailand. I was only given 15 days on my stamp. They stamped me to leave the country again August 16th ( which means i have to do another boarder run) Why is this a problem? Because when i went to China they gave me til August 15 to leave Thailand. So basically it was a waste of a Run. Oh, well. Chapter 68 will show you why it was all worth it.

Had no time to brush my teeth at our hotel. Had to go!!


That sounds great right. Hawaii. Hula skirts, Hula dancing, the amazing beaches, palm trees,mountains The.. the.. layover.

 Baaaaaack to the buddy pass issue.... AGAIN. Jonny barely got out of Japan to make it home to Fort Lauderdale. What made it worse was that he didn't have a credit card, only the 700 baht($23 U.S) in is wallet. With a lot of determination and P.U.S.H, he was able to fly to Hawaii which  didn't have any availability either, but somehow he pulled a me. He made some people laugh and they let him on the plane ( THATA BOY).
 Heres the bad but great thing that happened.
BAD: He wouldn't go home directly, it would take him 3 days.
GREAT: ( Drumroll please) As you know we are an international, worldwide organization and when there is the name Jehovah involved our brothers show up like song books in the lost and found section of the kingdom hall, with somebody else's name on it. According to the story, My dad knew a sister, who has a sister that lives in Hawaii ( read again if you didn't get it). So they made a couple of phone calls and Jonny was picked up, fed, and given money to make the trip back home.

Zephaniah 3:9 says " For then I Shall give to peoples the change to a pure languages, in order for them all to call upon the name  of Jehovah, in order to serve him shoulder to shoulder."